55 research outputs found

    Transitions in active rotator systems: invariant hyperbolic manifold approach

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    Our main focus is on a general class of active rotators with mean field interactions, that is globally coupled large families of dynamical systems on the unit circle with non-trivial stochastic dynamics. Each isolated system is a diffusion process on a circle, with drift -delta V', where V' is a periodic function and delta is an intensity parameter. It is well known that the interacting dynamics is accurately described, in the limit of infinitely many interacting components, by a Fokker-Planck PDE and the model reduces for delta=0 to a particular case of the Kuramoto synchronization model, for which one can show the existence of a stable normally hyperbolic manifold of stationary solutions for the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation (we are interested in the case in which this manifold is non-trivial, that happens when the interaction is sufficiently strong, that is in the synchronized regime of the Kuramoto model). We use the robustness of normally hyperbolic structures to infer qualitative and quantitative results on the |delta|< delta0 cases, with delta0 a suitable threshold: as a matter of fact, we obtain an accurate description of the dynamics on the invariant manifold for delta=0 and we link it explicitly to the potential V . This approach allows to have a complete description of the phase diagram of the active rotators model, at least for |delta|< delta0, thus identifying for which values of the parameters (notably, noise intensity and/or coupling strength) the system exhibits periodic pulse waves or stabilizes at a quiescent resting state. Moreover, some of our results are very explicit and this brings a new insight into the combined effect of active rotator dynamics, noise and interaction. The links with the literature on specific systems, notably neuronal models, are discussed in detail.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures. Version 2: some changes in introduction, added reference

    The heterogeneous gas with singular interaction: Generalized circular law and heterogeneous renormalized energy

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    We introduce and analyze dd dimensional Coulomb gases with random charge distribution and general external confining potential. We show that these gases satisfy a large deviations principle. The analysis of the minima of the rate function (which is the leading term of the energy) reveals that at equilibrium, the particle distribution is a generalized circular law (i.e. with spherical support but non-necessarily uniform distribution). In the classical electrostatic external potential, there are infinitely many minimizers of the rate function. The most likely macroscopic configuration is a disordered distribution in which particles are uniformly distributed (for d=2d=2, the circular law), and charges are independent of the positions of the particles. General charge-dependent confining potentials unfold this degenerate situation: in contrast, the particle density is not uniform, and particles spontaneously organize according to their charge. In that picture the classical electrostatic potential appears as a transition at which order is lost. Sub-leading terms of the energy are derived: we show that these are related to an operator, generalizing the Coulomb renormalized energy, which incorporates the heterogeneous nature of the charges. This heterogeneous renormalized energy informs us about the microscopic arrangements of the particles, which are non-standard, strongly depending on the charges, and include progressive and irregular lattices.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Adaptation and Fatigue Model for Neuron Networks and Large Time Asymptotics in a Nonlinear Fragmentation Equation

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    International audienceMotivated by a model for neural networks with adaptation and fatigue, we study a conservative fragmentation equation that describes the density probability of neurons with an elapsed time s after its last discharge.In the linear setting, we extend an argument by Laurençot and Perthame to prove exponential decay to the steady state. This extension allows us to handle coefficients that have a large variation rather than constant coefficients. In another extension of the argument, we treat a weakly nonlinear case and prove total desynchronization in the network. For greater nonlinearities, we present a numerical study of the impact of the fragmentation term on the appearance of synchronization of neurons in the network using two "extreme" cases.Mathematics Subject Classification (2000)2010: 35B40, 35F20, 35R09, 92B20

    Dynamics of a structured neuron population

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    We study the dynamics of assemblies of interacting neurons. For large fully connected networks,the dynamics of the system can be described by a partial differential equation reminiscent of age-structure models used in mathematical ecology, where the "age" of a neuron represents the time elapsed since its last discharge. The nonlinearity arises from the connectivity J of the network. We prove some mathematical properties of the model that are directly related to qualitative properties. On the one hand we prove that it is well-posed and that it admits stationary states which, depending upon the connectivity, can be unique or not. On the other hand, we study the long time behavior of solutions; both for small and large J, we prove the relaxation to the steady state describing asynchronous firing of the neurons. In the middle range, numerical experiments show that periodic solutions appear expressing re-synchronization of the network and asynchronous firing

    The real Ginibre ensemble with k=O(n)k = O(n) real eigenvalues

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    We consider the ensemble of Real Ginibre matrices with a positive fraction α>0\alpha>0 of real eigenvalues. We demonstrate a large deviations principle for the joint eigenvalue density of such matrices and we introduce a two phase log-gas whose stationary distribution coincides with the spectral measure of the ensemble. Using these tools we provide an asymptotic expansion for the probability pαnnp^n_{\alpha n} that an n×nn\times n Ginibre matrix has k=αnk=\alpha n real eigenvalues and we characterize the spectral measures of these matrices.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Global attractor and asymptotic dynamics in the Kuramoto model for coupled noisy phase oscillators

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    We study the dynamics of the large N limit of the Kuramoto model of coupled phase oscillators, subject to white noise. We introduce the notion of shadow inertial manifold and we prove their existence for this model, supporting the fact that the long term dynamics of this model is finite dimensional. Following this, we prove that the global attractor of this model takes one of two forms. When coupling strength is below a critical value, the global attractor is a single equilibrium point corresponding to an incoherent state. Conversely, when coupling strength is beyond this critical value, the global attractor is a two-dimensional disk composed of radial trajectories connecting a saddle equilibrium (the incoherent state) to an invariant closed curve of locally stable equilibria (partially synchronized state). Our analysis hinges, on the one hand, upon sharp existence and uniqueness results and their consequence for the existence of a global attractor, and, on the other hand, on the study of the dynamics in the vicinity of the incoherent and synchronized equilibria. We prove in particular non-linear stability of each synchronized equilibrium, and normal hyperbolicity of the set of such equilibria. We explore mathematically and numerically several properties of the global attractor, in particular we discuss the limit of this attractor as noise intensity decreases to zero.Comment: revised version, 28 pages, 4 figure
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